

1269 Uppsatser om Intelligent home - Sida 1 av 85

Det Intelligenta Huset : - En studie i hemautomation

Today all buildings contain some form of home automation. It might be heating controlled by athermostat or motion detectors controlling outdoor lighting.This paper,The Intelligent House, deals with the planning of a house in Kiruna, in the north ofSweden and further immerses itself in home automation or intelligent control in single-familyhomes. The house has been entirely planned, from layout to structural design and plumbing.The purpose of the paper has been to investigate the possibilities in home automation in singlefamilyhomes and to choose a suitable home automation system for the house being planned.The system has been designed and the costs and energy savings have been calculated.The system chosen for the house is called KNX and is the largest system for home automation inSweden. It is used to control heating, ventilation, lighting and alarm systems in the house. Is hasbeen found that KNX is very expensive and that the amount of energy, possible to save in thehouse, using the system, is relatively small.


Det problem som denna uppsats hade för avsikt att besvara var varför hemautomation inte används i fler hem. Genom resultaten från en enkät som distribuerades kunde slutsatsen att kostnaden för de befintliga lösningar som finns på marknaden idag inte låg i den prisklass våra respondenter ansåg rimlig. Författarna utvecklade då problemet och ställde sig frågan om en hemautomationslösning verkligen måste ha en så hög kostnad som de befintliga lösningarna har idag. För att belysa detta problem implementerades en egen kostnadseffektiv lösning där respondenternas mest önskvärda funktioner togs i beaktande och en testmiljö implementerades utefter dessa. Resultatet blev en hemautomationslösning med stor potential och med en betydligt lägre kostnad än dagens befintliga lösningar..

Tro, vetenskap, undervisning och intelligent design : Intelligent design och didaktik ? analys av läromedel inom religionsämnet för gymnasiet

Den här uppsatsen handlar om rörelsen intelligent design, som tror att en intelligent skapare ligger bakom stegen i evolutionen. På så vis blir inte evolutionen en slumpmässig sak, utan en sedermera intelligent designad evolution. Den här intelligenta skaparen är med andra ord Gud. Uppsatsens ämnar  undersöka intelligent design och gymnasieskolan, närmare bestämt hur ID korrelerar med didaktik. Rent konkret är syftet med uppsatsen att se hur man i de centrala didaktiska frågeställningarna bemöter intelligent design i religionsläroböcker på gymnasial nivå.

Intelligent videoanalys (IVA) som verktyg för genomförandet av rörelseanalyser hos fotgängare på offentliga platser

Detta är en studie kring ämnet intelligent videoanalys som verktyg för framtagandet av rörelseanalyser. Rörelseanalyser är ett brett begrepp då rörelse kan ske på många olika sätt. Det kan vara rörelse av fotgängare, cyklister, bilister m.fl. Dagens analyser av rörelsemönster baseras bland annat på intervjuer, observationer, egna erfarenheter, spår i marken, som en del av andra analyser (Bland annat genom Kevin Lynch och Jan Gehl) eller koppling till befintliga strukturer. För att få verklighetsbaserad data under en längre tidsperiod och för att kunna utföra mer djupgående analyser av rörelsemönster hos fotgängare på offentliga platser krävs nya verktyg.

Att komma hem : Coming home

In this essay I analyze the meaning of the concepts home and at home and the feeling of coming home. What is a home and what different interpretations are there regarding the concepts of home and being at home? What kinds of feelings are aroused by coming home? The world we live in offers great opportunities to travel, which in itself creates a perspective on the meanings of the concepts. The world we live in also forces people to move from their homes, families and countries due to various reasons, which creates various problems and a certain urgency concerning the concepts. I describe basic terms concerning the concepts, both regarding concrete definitions and more abstract notions, and then compare them with my own reflections.         Based on my writing project Coming home I discuss these questions in various ways.

Intelligent remuneration in the knowledge economy

Talented people are recognised as being the most important corporate resource over the next twenty years and a competitive compensation system is an important tool in attracting and retaining talent. Traditional pay systems are recognised as being neither cost effective nor motivating people to do more. Often these systems do not contribute to strategic objectives. This study outlines what constitutes an intelligent remuneration system that will enhance the mind value added by knowledge workers, reward knowledge creation, and contribute to organisational strategies..

Tro och Vetenskap : Intelligent Design på Newsmill 2010-2012

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera debatten som tog plats på hemsida Newsmill åren 2010och 2012 om intelligent design. Fokusen i själva textanalysen är en argumentationsanalys somtillsammans med kritisk diskursanalys skall utröna och förstå den maktförskjutning som går attfinna inom diskursen. Den kritiska diskursanalysen är byggd på Norman Fairclough. Analysen ärordnad kronologiskt och innefattar tjugotre artiklar allt som allt.Fokus i själva analysen ligger i att utröna och förstå hur debattörerna ställer sig till religion ochvetenskap i deras argumentation kring intelligent design. Här går att finna hur religion ofta förs insom begrepp i relation till personers emotionella agerande och överlag blir religion en belastning fördebattörerna.


Have you ever had problems sorting your cables, are the winders you use too big and crude then the EC-winder is the product for you. The EC-winder concept is a compact and intelligent winder for home application. Its simple design and subtle looks enables it to blend in with the surrounding environment. Its function is designed so that it with ease can be handled by any one after only a couple of instructions. You simply thread the cable trough the opening on the winder and then you rotate the upper part until the cable reaches the desired length. After use the winder can be opened to enable easy extraction of the cable..

"Inte mitt arbete...men det hänger på mig" : Hemtjänstpersonalens uppfattningar av sitt arbete i hemsjukvården

The proportion of elderly people in Sweden is increasing. Many of these live at home and as their age increases so does the likelihood of health problems and the need for support, medical attention and care. Personnel working with home help provide a large part of this care, including areas of home-based care that are the responsibility of the district nurse. The purpose of this paper is to describe how home-help personnel perceive their work in the area of home-based care, as their views are an important factor in the ability to provide a care system that funktions successfully. The method employed here is phenomenografic and nine subjects from a home-help group have been interviewed.

Smarta Hus : Nya behov och lösningar med participativ design

In this Bachelor Thesis (20 p.), we present the history and development of "Intelligent Houses", and most important- explore some of the future possibilities in this area. The project has been carried out through an interdisciplinary cooperation between three different educations at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. By conducting a dialogue with various actors with different professions, we have been trying to identify needs within the concept of "Intelligent Houses", were the end user is not only the tenant or homeowner. Through Participatory Design methods, such as a Future Workshop, we have brought the users together to discuss their own and each others needs and hindrances in their respective work practice, and how intelligent house technology could improve their work conditions. We have also been testing a highly sophisticated CO/CO2/Moisture/Temperature/Enthalpy multi-sensor & controller, originally developed for regulating indoor climate systems.

Mitt hem det är allt det : En kvalitativ studie om hemtjänstmottagares syn på hemmet, åldrande och hjälpberoende

AbstractThe intention of our study was to examine the meaning of home of elderly women and men and how they experience their getting older. We also wanted to see how elderly women and men experience to receive home-help-service in their own home. The study was based on qualitative interviews with elderly women and men. The informants were five women and four men between the ages of 60-84 years. They all had everyday help from the home-help-service.

Ungdomar som rymmer hemifrån : en kunskapsöversikt

The aim with this thesis is to study how the phenomenon young people who run away from home (runaways) is presented in the research literature. The question at issue in our thesis is: How does research literature present the phenomenon of young people who run away from home? We have selected seven primary documents that we consider gives a broad picture of the knowledge about runaways. We have a postmodern and a hermeneutic approach in our thesis. Our material has been analyzed on the basis of social constructionist theory and the new sociological paradigm of childhood.

"De blir mer som en bifigur" : Familjehemssekreterares resonemang och agerande gällande biologiska barn i familjehem

The aim of the study was to understand how the family home secretary reasons and thinks and how they express themselves in their actions towards the family home?s biological children. The method used is qualitative semi-structured interviews, involving six family home secretaries from four different municipalities. The results were analyzed with the help of two theories ? the theory of grassroots bureaucracy and the sociology of childhood theory.

Smarta Hus: Nya behov och lösningar med participativ design

In this Bachelor Thesis (20 p.), we present the history and development of "Intelligent Houses", and most important- explore some of the future possibilities in this area. The project has been carried out through an interdisciplinary cooperation between three different educations at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. By conducting a dialogue with various actors with different professions, we have been trying to identify needs within the concept of "Intelligent Houses", were the end user is not only the tenant or homeowner. Through Participatory Design methods, such as a Future Workshop, we have brought the users together to discuss their own and each others needs and hindrances in their respective work practice, and how intelligent house technology could improve their work conditions. We have also been testing a highly sophisticated CO/CO2/Moisture/Temperature/Enthalpy multi-sensor & controller, originally developed for regulating indoor climate systems. Based on the needs we have found in our fieldwork, we have been looking at possibilities to make multi user solutions with the sensor..

Vilka faktorer har inverkan på motivationen, utifrån fastighetsmäklareperspektivet? : Ändras de här faktorerna under mäklarkarriären?

The aim of the study was to understand how the family home secretary reasons and thinks and how they express themselves in their actions towards the family home?s biological children. The method used is qualitative semi-structured interviews, involving six family home secretaries from four different municipalities. The results were analyzed with the help of two theories ? the theory of grassroots bureaucracy and the sociology of childhood theory.

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